Saturday, December 13, 2014

night stuff 4

Detail everything you know about them (physical description, personality, etc.):

Head of the Tent (Pg. 45):

Fat. Loved kids. Kind-ish


Older. Cynical. kind


Mean. Clever. Persuasive. Greedy


Crazy. Mean. Bipolar

Detail the time and place the story begins:
Sighet. 1942

In which camp does Chapter Four begin?


Infer the answer from the text (Minimum 1-2 sentences):

Which unit was not to be chosen at the newest camp?
The building unit.

What job did Elie end up receiving?
Working in the warehouse, where he separated shipments if electrical supplies

Why is Elie whipped in the warehouse?

He saw Idek having sex with a French girl, and was whipped so he would not tell people about it.

List the victims who were hung, if not by name then by stature.

the pipel

the youth who stole during the bombing

two unnamed



“Evoking the calm waters of Jordan and the majestic sanctity of Jerusalem.” (Pg. 48):
He was talking about how the music made him think of his religion and the holy land.


that night the soup tasted of corpses
Ten thousand caps were back on our heads, at lightning speed.
He was tall and strong, a giant compared to me.


            The Soup (Pg. 60/Pg. 62):
the soup came to be a symbol of life, and how Elie felt. Afte the first hangings he saw, he was unchanged, but at the little kid's he was bitter that they could do that to people.

Minimum 4-5 Sentences

At the end of the chapter, explain the quote: “Where is He? Here He is—He is handing here on this gallows…”

He is saying that that is god, that god must slowly be dying to allow the monstrosities of the holocaust to happen. He feels that that is the only explanation that could keep his faith intact.

Detail everything you know about them (physical description, personality, etc.):

Akiba Drummer: Old. Defeated. Being sent off to the crematory.

Detail the time and place the story begins:
Sighet, romania; 1942

What time of year is it?


What holidays are the prisoners celebrating?

Rosh Hashanah

Infer the answer from the text (Minimum 1-2 sentences):

What is “selection”?

Selection is when SS take Jews that are unfit to be sent to the ovens.

Why does Elie hate the bell?

Because it tells him what to do and when.

What might the bell be a symbol for?

The SS, and those he tries to rebel against.

What two things does Elie’s Father give to him before going to the “Decisive Selection”?

A knife and a spoon, as an inheritance



Rosh Hashanah (Pg. 63):

A Jewish holiday, the end of the Jewish year.

Sodom (Pg. 64):

A city feature in Genesis

Yom Kippur (Pg. 65):

A day of fasting in Jewish tradition

Red Army (Pg. 76):

The name of the Russian army while under Soviet control

“I’ve got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He’s the only one who’s kept his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people.” (Pg. 77):

The man is saying that everybody else who made promises of peace and freedom to the Jews, while Hitler kept promises of hate and death.


Run as if you had the devil at your heels! And most important, don’t be afraid.
His eyes would suddenly go blank, leaving two gaping wounds, two wells of terror.
My foot was on fire.

IRONY: explain why the statements are ironic and what type of irony it is.

“I head people wishing one another a Happy New Year!” (Pg. 65):

Verbal irony: they are stuck in a personal hell and are telling each other to be merry

Minimum 4-5 Sentences

Discuss the quote and what is means for Elie’s faith: “Blessed art Thou, Eternal, Master of the Universe…to be butchered on Thine altar.” (Pg. 64)

It is listing all the things that God had allowed to the Jewish people. It says that out of all people, god is only letting them suffer. This is the end of Elie's faith. Him, seeing everyone stuck in the place where just might die, praising the divine being who let it happen.

EXTRA CREDIT: Should the Jewish people fast for their holiday? Why or why not?

No. God had abandoned them in their time of need, and fasting would submit to His will. Also, fasting would surely kill them faster, where it is here that a piece of bread can keep you from dying.

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