Sunday, October 5, 2014

Interview question answer

I believe that defying the draft was the harder thing to do. You are branded a traitor (and in the case of the Vietnam War, probably a communist).You could be disowned by the rest of your parents, and everyone you knew. You are thrust into an unknown area, everyone around you saying, “why aren’t you back home, fighting for your country?” . It would be embarrassing. But if you are leaving to avoid doing something you don’t believe in, you should go. The story calls the soldiers sheep: innocent, and easily maneuverable. Going to war to defend your honor is not true courage. To defy when you are forced to something that you find is not right, no matter the consequences, that is true bravery.

1 comment:

  1. Good use of the story - "calls the soldiers sheep; innocent, and easily maneuverable". Can you find something in the interview to use as well?
