Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Imagery of Split Cherry Tree

Prof. Herbert: A big man. Wears a grey suit that matches his hair. 50-60 years old

Pa Sexton: Weather-beaten brown skin. Sheepskin jacket, Blue shirt, big buckskin boots, heavy socks going over the boots, Black hat, graying black hair, and big gnarled hands. 65 years old

Dave: School uniform, youngest in family out of 11 siblings. Presumably tan skin. 14-18 years old

School: six miles from the Sexton home. Playground. Cafeteria. Multiple classrooms. Well funded to be able to have microscopes at the day and age.

Sexton Home: A farm w/ lots of mules, cattle, and hogs. Fairly large plot of land to be able to hold all animals. House itself is 2 stories, with multiple bedrooms.

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