Aunty: Old derogatory name for female black people
Bingo the Dog: The song 'Bingo Was His Name'
The camera men were filming for the food stamp program: this shows the time as around the 1930s, depression era.
Description of Granddaddy Cain:
Old, white haired black man. Tall, mean looking. Large, strong hands. Carries himself well. scares others by his size and with his confidence. Deep, black skin.
His hands were like motors
His feet were like engines
Tall and silent like a king
Looking like the wolf-man
I was a gift on a tray
like a sudden and gentle bird
Like he's protecting a kitten from the cold.
The chicken hawks and Granny and Granddad Cain.
The chicken hawks were like the Cains in that when the female was stuck (Granny in the house and the camera guys outside, the male comes and tries to save her (Granddaddy coming back home and getting the camera people to kiss off.
A link to the story is here
Good job with this post!