Montag is sick the next morning, and the omnipresent stink of kerosene makes him vomit. He thinks of all the time that was spent on writing the books he's burned, and how in a flash, they are gone forever. He tells Mildred about burning the old woman and asks her if she would mind if he gave up his job for a while. He tries to make her understand his feelings of guilt at burning the woman and at burning the books, which represent so many people’s lives and work, but she will not listen. He baits Mildred by insisting on discussing books and the last time something “bothered” her, but she resists. The argument ends when they see Captain Beatty coming up the front walk. Beatty tells Guy that he knew that Guy would call in sick, and that at some point in a fireman's career, the had a 'problem'. Beatty also talks about how books came to be outlawed, and why no one really read them in the first place. Mildred begins cleaning the room, and she finds the book. Montag yells at her to put it back, and Beatty pretends to not notice.
This section is important because Guy reveals changes he has had since the beginning of the book. Earlier, he loved burning things, and the love of kerosene; but now, the smell made him vomit, and he feels terrible for having burned the old woman and her books. He feels that no one is bothered any more, and he is right. When he asks Mildred, she can’t even answer. Everyone is wrapped up in their own, sedated minds, and Montag is beginning to finally wake up. Mildred finding the book is probably the most important part of the pages, as the story could have ended pretty quickly if Beatty found out.
The talk of how books began to get dumbed down: this was probably a way of trying to make books that the masses would understand. It didn't really work
Describing Mildred as a praying mantis: Sometime in the future she may betray Montag, as that is what female manti do to males
Micah - outstanding job on the praying mantis. Yep...guess who turns Montag in?