Monday, November 10, 2014

Reading log 5

Synopsis: Montag and Mildred have a ‘conversation’ about when they first met, and neither of them remembers. Mildred tells Guy that it doesn’t matter, and goes to the bathroom, swallowing pills. Guy realizes that if she died, he wouldn’t cry. Later, Mildred tells Guy that Clarisse died in a car accident and her family moved. Guy is torn about this, and questions why Mildred hadn’t told him earlier, and she say that she didn’t remember till then. They go to sleep, and in the morning, Guy is sick (or feigning sickness). He keeps asking Mildred for aspirin, but continually forgets. He wants her to call Beatty, because he knows that if he does it, Beatty will convince Montag to go to work.

Why it is important: These pages are important because it further uncovers the loveless-ness of the Montag marriage. It shows the cluelessness of Mildred, and her terrible memory. Also, Guy might be faking to read his book, and Clarisse’s death will have a profound effect on Montag.

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