Synopsis: Clarisse tells about how life is different since after the new government started. Everything is abstract. Kids are dropping like flies killing each other. Clarisse disappears. He begins missing her, hoping she would show up again. At the firehouse, everyone is playing cards. Montag asks Chief Beatty if firemen ever put out fires, and is laughed off. The alarm sounds, and they leave. They arrive at the house of an old lady. The police has not taken her away, so she loudly belittles them while they coat the house with kerosene. Montag takes a book, and hides it. When it is done, the woman pulls out a match and says she will burn with her books. Montag tries to convince her otherwise, but she lights her match, and burns with her books. The fire-men go back to the station.
Importance: these pages are important because it is in which Montag steals the book. This is going to have repercussions in the future for Montag. Also, Clarisse disappearing will have some value.
Symbols: Everyone in the firehouse smoking: Reflects how everyone is soldering on the inside.
Everyone in the firehouse looks like Montag: A way of saying that he is like everyone else.
Allusions: The pamphlet on the first firehouse with Benjamin Franklin: He did start the first firehouse in Philidelphia, but not a station like in the book.
Tower of Babel: Beatty say the books are like it because all of in conflicts with the rest of it. In the bible, the tower of babel is the reason we all speak different languages.
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