Monday, September 15, 2014

`           As the man slowly walked toward the door, he wondered if the princess sent him to his death. He was a little scared to be honest. The princess may just say to hell with him, and have a tiger eat him. Or, she could take pity on him, and have a beautiful maiden waiting for him. The odds were equal. Which made the man think of something. Shouldn’t a man’s fate not be put in the luck of the draw? The way it was, the guilty could be married, and the innocent be eaten. There should be one door, he thought. The man would be put in the arena, and would walk over and open it, then they would see their fate. He realized he was putting a lot of faith in a woman who just might want her dead.

He went with his gut, and opened the door, and quickly ran away. Good thing he did, as the tiger leapt from the door. The tiger sniffed around a bit, and saw him. It began to slink forward, circling him. The man did no sudden movements, and walked toward the wall. He tried to climb up it, but there was no hold. The tiger was closer. He decided another plan of action. He slowly slinked his way over to the door, then ran in, and shut the door. The blackness was stifling. He stumbled to the back of the room, and found a gate. It was locked. He growled the beast outside, to get the guard’s attention.

The guard walked there slowly. When he was close, the man pulled the guard’s arm through the gate, twisted his arm, and choked him out. The man grabbed the guard’s keys, opened the door, and sneaked through. He grabbed the guard’s sword, in case there were others. He furtively crept his way from the dungeon. He walked softly through the gates of the city, paid for and grabbed a horse from a stable, and rode away from the city. He felt greatly betrayed

In the princess's chambers, the princess was weeping. She knew the man had escaped, and was probably going to attempt and kill her. She felt a twinge of regret at what she  had made a bad decision. She sent him to his death, and that would bring the death of her


  1. Okay - so does the man kill the Princess or not?

  2. I feel like you weakened your ending by switching transitions and leaving cliff hangers during both point of views. It seems incomplete.
