Monday, May 11, 2015

Japan and review


1. Samurai and Shogun
a. Ancient Japan
i. Until the 300s the island was not a unified country
ii. By the 5th century the Yamato becam the ruling clan
iii. In 794, the rulers moved to Heian (modern day Kyoto)
iv. During this time, Japan’s government was strong, but landowners became more and more independent
v. Professional soldiers called samurai served the interests of landowners and clan chiefs
b. The shoguns
i. During a time of unrest, the Japanese emperor created the position of shogun: the ruler of the army, with the powers of military dictator
ii. The shoguns created governors of areas, called daimyo
iii. Rule by shogunism lasted about 700 years
iv. During this time, they fought off Mongol invasions and saw the rise of Portuguese traders and the bringing of firearms in the 1500s.
v. in 1853, Commodore Matthew Perry’s arrival to Japan ended the isolation
vi. in 1868, the last shogun resigned, and the rule returned to an emperor
c. Emerging world power
i. By the 1900s, Japan was a world power
ii. Expansion prospects caused conflict with the U.S.
iii. On December 7th, 1941, a day that will live in infamy, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii
iv. This launched the US into WWII, and in 1945, the US dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, forcing it surrender
2. An economic powerhouse
a. People and products
i. The population of Japan is 127 milion, 80% live on the main island of Honshu.
ii. Most of the population are on the east coast of Honshu, along with most of its industry
iii. A strong alliance between industry and government ensured its economic power during the last half of the 20th century
b. Economic Slowdown
i. During the 1990s the economy slowed down
ii. Other countries became completion for the economy.
iii. As a result the need for exports increased but they couldn’t get them because of competition
3. Japanese Culture
a. A traditional people
i. Japanese language, art, music,  and government were influenced by China
ii. The city of Kyoto is a symbol to Japanese culture, with shrines and temples throughout
iii. The entire city is a testament to Japanese ideas about beauty
b. Western influences
i. Since Matthew Perry sailed to Tokyo bay, influences have been visible
ii. Sports like baseball, golf, and soccer are popular
iii. Western music is also popular
iv. Jazz is well liked
4. Life in today’s Japan
a. Education
i. Students often have school six days a week
ii. They have shorter summer vacations: only six weeks in august and July
iii. There are six years of elementary and three years of middle school. Then three years of high school
iv. Competition to get into good colleges is high, even with 1,000 universities and colleges
b. Changes in society
i. People are now increasingly demanding an end to pollution and overcrowding.
ii. Skilled workers are wanting shorter workdays and more vacation time.
5. Summary
a. This section went over the history of the reclusive country of Japan. It talks about the days of the samurai and the end of the age of isolation, to life today. It goes over the end of the Shogun and the rise of democracy, and the beginning and end of rapid economic growth. It also talks about the westernization of the region, and the cultures of the area.


1. through conquest and trade
2. It is incredibely self-sufficient and can produce more food than it needs
3. That education is important and kids should listen to their parents and parents should listen to the government
4. A market economy, herding is its most important industry
5. A trade economy
6. They split apart after the Japanese lost control of the area, and the north was taken over by the USSR and the south by the west
7. It is one of the largest trade economies in the world.
8. the U.S. brought it out of isolation
9. It is a testement to ancient Japanese culture
10. they import resources, make things, and then sell them to buy more resources.

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