Summary: School begins, and they walk past the Radley house again. They are too old to be scared of it, but Scout still wishes to see Boo at least once in her life, to which Atticus says to not begin harassing them again. They are asked to do a 'Current events' project for class, and Cecil Jacobs bring up Adolf Hitler, and what he does to the Jews. The teacher brings up that that is wrong, and goes into a talk about the how America is better than Germany. Scout goes to ask Jem why What Hitler does is wrong, but what America does (which is similar) isn't, and brings up the trial. Jem yells at Scout for bringing up the trial, adn she goes to Atticus For Comfort
Bob Ewell amazingly got a job, but was fired after a few days, despite it being a WPA job. Also, someone broke into Judge Taylor's house while he was home, and Bob was harassing Tom's widow, Helen. Mr. Link Deas threatens to throw him in prison if he doesn't stop, which he does. Aunt Alexandra worries, but Atticus said he was done now. On Halloween, Scout has to be part of a agricultural pageant, and so she and Jem begin their longest journey together.
Adolf Hitler was well... you know.
Cotton Tom Heflin was a white supremacist and senator of Alabama
New Characters:
Mr. Link Deas
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