Wednesday, April 15, 2015

1)    Subpoena
n. the usual writ for the summoning of witnesses or the submission of evidence, as records or documents, before a court or other deliberative body.

2)    Fey
adj. doomed; fated to die.

3)    Venerable
adj. commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity

4)    Uncouth
adj. awkward, clumsy, or unmannerly

5)    Sundry
adj. various or diverse

6)    Begrudge
v. to envy or resent the pleasure or good fortune of (someone)

7)    Elucidate
v. to make lucid or clear

8)    Acquiescence
n. agreement or consent by silence or without objection

9)    Succinct
adj. expressed in few words

10) Façade
n. a superficial appearance or illusion of something

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