Friday, January 30, 2015

Northern Europe

1. A history of Seafaring Conquering
i. Nordic Countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceand, Norway, and Sweden
b. Early Conquering
i. Each settler of this area pushed the previous out of power
ii. Britain was invaded by many peoples: the Celts, Germanic tribes, and the Romans
iii. The Vikings began to conquering in 795
iv. In 1066, William the Conqueror of Normandy conquered England and ruled.
c. Dreams of Empire
i. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway became kingdoms in the 900s
ii. Britain became known as the United Kingdom in 1801
iii. By the 1800s, Britain had colonies in the Americas, Asia, Africa, and Oceania
iv. “the sun Never sets on the British Empire” because they had colonies all over the world
2. Moving into the modern age
a. Representative Government
i. Parliament: a representive lawmaking body whose memebers are elected
ii. The magna Carta: Made nobles below the law
b. Industrial Revolution
i. Britain was the first nion to industrialize
ii. It imported a large amount of raw materials from its colonies
iii. In the 1800s the industrial revolution spread from Britain to Belgium, France, Germany, and the U.S.
3. Economics: Diversity and Change
a. Industry and resources
i. Both Sweden and the UK have strong vehicular and Aerospace industries
ii. Northern Europe has many natural resources
iii. Iceland relies heavily on fishing
iv. Norway is a big oil provider
b. Union or independence
i. Norway did not want to accept the EU
ii. Denmark will not accept the euro
4. Cultural similarities and Modern Art
a. Similar languages and religion
i. Most people in northern Europe speak Germanic languages
ii. The reformation swept through Northern Europe
iii. Most turned to protestant
b. Modern Culture and literature
i. The Norwegian playwright Henrik Isben is called the father of modern drama
ii. Many consider the British William Shakespeare the best playwright of all time
5. Life in Northern Europe
a. Social welfare
i. Finland, Norway, and Sweden give families allowances
ii. Northern Europe has universal Healthcare
b. Distinctive Customs
i. Brits are known for afternoon tea
ii. Swedes made the smorgasbord
iii. Finns are famous for the sauna
c. Leisure
i. Outdoor sports are popular in Northern Europe
ii. Brits enjoy horse back riding and fox hunting
iii. Brits also made rugby and cricket
6. Summary
a. This section went over Northern Europe. IT talked about the spread of the British Empire, and the loss of its colonies. It spoke of the languages, religions, and leisure activities.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Sonnet bits:

14 lines long

3quatrains and a couplet

Iambic pentameter

each line has 10 syllables

Tragedy bits:

Tragic hero

Hero will fall by the end

Dramatic foils

Internal and external conflicts

Raises questions of fate and mortality

Tragic Hero bits:

Has a tragic flaw

downfall caused by said flaw


Noble family

Downfall teaches the audience something

Dramatic foil

Two characters exactly opposite and show each othrs trait when they interact


Two words used together that mean the exact opposite
Direct Metaphor:

Example of director metaphor from the play:

Romeo comparing Juliet to the sun

Implied Metaphor:
An indirect or subtle comparison between two things: it gives the subject the characteristics of the object it is being

Example of implied metaphor from the play:

She does teach the torches to burn bright

Extended Metaphor:

A metaphor that is extended throughout a speech, a passage, or throughout an entire story


Romeo's Boat metaphor



prologue, scene 1, 2, 3, and most of 4

Inciting Event:

The beginning of the boat metaphor

Rising Action:

Meets and kisses Juliet

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Summary 13/2


This section went over the cultural divisions of Germany and France. It talked about the reformation, Feudalism, and nationalism. It also taught about the conflicts of the area, and The formations of the EU.

Review ?s

1) What did you learn about EU countries in this section?

Pushing members of the EU were Germany and France, because they wanted a safe Europe without the trying of conquest

2) How do language and religion reflect the cultural division in Western Europe?

French led from latin, in that the area was conquered by the Romans, and the German speaking peoples were not conquered, so they kept their language. France was highly catholic, as the Roman empire allowed for the spread of it, and Germany became Christian, as this was one of the areas affected by the Reformation

3) Which Western European leaders tried to unify Europe through conquest?

Hitler, Napoleon, and Charlemagne

4) In what way does Western Europe have a diverse economy?

The Netherlands and that area produce Dairy, Germany makes electronics, France has and impressive industrial economy

5) What was the Reformation?

A separation from the Catholic church and a questioning of religion

6) What was the Holocaust?

The 2/3 killing of European Jews

7) What was the Berlin Wall?

The separation of East and West Berlin by the Soviets

8) What are some characteristics of Modern Life in Western Europe?

They are more social than America, they receive more paid vacation time, and homes are smaller there than in America

3 interestings

That they separated Berlin, even though it was already in the east

That the enemies France and Germany, would want to join together in the EU


Why did France and Germany want to form the Eu

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Prologue discussion

Two households, both alike in dignity,
In fair Verona, where we lay our scene,
From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of these two foes
A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life;
Whose misadventured piteous overthrows
Do with their death bury their parents' strife.
The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love,
And the continuance of their parents' rage,
Which, but their children's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.


This part goes over just how alike the Montague and Capulet families are. It tells the setting, and that people are going to kill people

This part talks about how the two families hate each other, and that this hatred sparks the relationship between Romeo and Juliet. It also says that the hatred only ends after the couple dies.

The last section is for humor, saying that if you bear with the actors, you just might be entertained.
1. A history of cultural divisions
  i. France and Germany are the two biggest countries in western Europe
  ii. Benelux: Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxumborg
  iii. Have strong economic power due to resources and location
 b. Rome to Charlemagne
  i. Rome conquered celtic tribes, leading to the developmne tof French, but they never conquered the Germanic tribes, leading too the division of language
  ii. Charlemagne united most of Europe
  iii. After his death, Europe divided into small kingdoms
 c. The reformation
  i. The religious movement during which the people began rebelling against the catholic church
  ii. Started during the renaissance
  iii. Martin Luther published writings criticizing the church
2. The rise of Nation States
  i. Between the fall of Rome and the renaissance is called the middle ages
 b.  Nationalism
  i. Feudalism: where the lands are owned and controlled by powerful lords
  ii. Nationalism: the belief that people should be loyal to their nations
  iii. The French revolution happened in 1789, where it became a republic
  iv. Germany finally united in 1817, under Otto Von Bismarck
 c. Modern Conflicts
  i. A need for colonies started WWI
  ii. The harsh terms of the losing of WWI started a resentment and economic turmoil in Germany which allowed for Adolf Hitler and his Nazis to start WWII
  iii. The Nazis also caused the Holocaust
  iv. After WWII, the cold war began, and split Germany into two halves, and the capital of Berlin into two halves.
  v. In 1989,the berlin wall was taken down, and in 1990, the two halves were reunited.
  vi. France and Germany were two nations that wanted to start the European Union
3. Economics
 a. Agriculture to high tech
  i. Belgium, Netherlands, France, and Switzerland are massive exporters of Dairy products
  ii. Western Europe is a leader in industry because of the rich deposits of iron and coal
iii. Nuclear power makes up 80% of the energy used by France
b. Tourism and luxury
i. Tourism is very popular in this area
ii. Many german and Swiss vehicles are seen as status symbols
c. Economic problems
i. Germany had a problem reunifying because the west was so much more updated than the east
4. Great Music and Art
a. Music
i. Many famous musicians came from this area
ii. Sebastian Bach, Beethoven, and Mozart are only a few
b. Painting
i. Claude Monet, Paul Gauguin, and Rembrandt are from this area
5. Modern Life
a. City Life
i. Good transportation systems
ii. Crime is lower here than in the U.S.
iii. More social than Americans
iv. Receive more paid vacation time
b. Recent conflicts
i. Race came into question when Germany denied jobs to ‘guest workers’ from Turkey
ii. Joerg Haider made comments supporting the Nazis, and had to step down from politics

Monday, January 26, 2015


The smell of the rosemary in the fields tickled John's nose, making him sneeze out all in his coke.

The sallow puss oozed from the infected wound, causing Jamie to retch and sweat profusely.

The politic waverer jumped from party to party, unable to find one that fit his values

the perverse 40-year man watched the playground from his car, when he heard the knock from the county police.

Friday, January 23, 2015

scene 4-5 headlines

scene 4

Soldier has flashback in the park, scares friends.

Scene 5

Home intruder welcomed, attempts to defile holy shrine.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Scene 2 and 3 headlines

Prince relative looking for young love, Exclusive party at Capulet's home

Young lady learns of older suitor, Two men interested in party-crashing.

chapter s12 review

1.  U- shped vallies
2. Have relatively good soil
3. The central plateau of Spain
4. natural border between Fraince and Spain
5. Used as a fuel in Ireland because petroleum is not found
6. a cold, dry wind from the north
7. the way of turning water lands to drylands
8.  Cal m the destructive power of water
9. high, earthen platforms
10. a salt water body turned into a fresh water lake

Monday, January 19, 2015

Characters of scene 1

Headline: Third fight between two families leads to royal interference

Sampson: he and Gregory begin the fight

Gregory: begins the fight with Sampson

Abram: part of the fight

Benvolio: Partaker in the fight, friend of Romeo

Romeo: Has lady trouble. Kind of a wimp

Montague: head of the family. one of the men who sparks the feud between families

Lady Montague: Montague's wife

Capulet: Older man. Wants to partake in the fight, but is old and frail

Lady Capulet: makes fun of Capulet. Capulet's wife.

Tybalt: an opposite to Romeo. Best swordsman in Verona


Rosemary: n. an evergreen shrub, Rosmarinus officinalis, of the mint family, native to the Mediterranean region, having leathery, narrow leaves and pale-blue, bell-shaped flowers, used as a seasoning and in perfumery and medicine: a traditional symbol of remembrance.

Sallow: adj. of a sickly, yellowish color

Waverer: v. to sway to and fro; flutter

Perverse: adj. wayward or cantankerous

Cunning: n. skill employed in a shrewd or sly manner, as in deceiving; craftiness; guile.

Procure: v. to obtain or get by care, effort, or the use of special means

Lamentable: adj. that is to be lamented; regrettable; unfortunate

Kinsmen: n.  blood relative, especially a male.

Unwieldy: adj. not wieldy; wielded with difficulty; not readily handled or managed in use or action, as from size, shape, or weight; awkward; ungainly.

Variable: adj. apt or liable to vary or change; changeable



Relative location: Central Europe, Bordered by Poland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Belgium, the Czech republic, and the Netherlands

absolute location: 52.5167° N, 13.3833° E

Region: Central Europe

Place: the Vogelsberg Mountains, Rhon Plateau (or Mts.) and Thuringian Forest are the dominate features. Main religions are Christianity and Roman Catholic. Average death age is about 81.

Language: Duetsch
Capital: Berlin

Human-environment interaction:

Most towns and cities are in the south, due to the heavily forested north area.
Air pollution is a bad problem, leading the government to enact green zones, and banning certain cars.
large agriculture business, with the northern European Plain in the north.


Germany publishes about 94,000 books a year

First country to use daylight savings time

86% of people there 25-64 have some sort of secondary education

hitting someone with a pillow can lead to an assault charge.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Does Love at First Sight Exist?

I for one, Do not believe in love at first sight. It never really worked for my family. My grandmother was married three times, my step-grandfather was married twice, and my father was married once. I think love is a way of saying, "hey, I've gotten used to all the stupid stuff you do and you got used to me, so, why bother trying to do that with other people". Except, you can't always to that. Just about every one in my family has though they had a love at first sight moment, but it was all a fantasy. Sometimes, Those that we have gotten used to can hurt us when they try to leave.

Friday, January 16, 2015

social bads

Planning to trick someone 7
Lying to parents 4
Killing someone for revenge 2
Advising someone to marry for money 3
Two families having a feud: 13
Killing someone by mistake while fighting 5
Cursing 12
Killing someone in self-defense 10
Suicide 1
Crashing a party 9
Marrying against parents' wishes 6
Giving the finger 11
Picking a fight 8

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

geo ?s

1) because Europe itself is a sort of peninsula, and has a lot of peninsulas coming off of it
2) Iceland, Ireland, Britain, Wales. Cyprus, Crete, Sicily.
3) They block off certain areas, and create different climate types than the rest of the area.
4) Austria, Slovenia, Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy, Liechtenstein
5) They create the border between France and Spain
6) Flows into the black sea
7) They are used for transportation, borders, and hydroelectric
8) The northern European Plains
9) The most fertile plain in Europe
10) They can create borders, but also trade route problems, and are terrible for growing food
11) Large coal and iron deposits helped start the industrial revolution.
          What is being dramatized? What conflicts or themes does the poem present, address, or question?
        * The speaker is saying that we are damaging the world, and taking more than we can chew

          Who is the speaker? Define and describe the speaker and his/her voice. What does the speaker say? Who is the audience? Are other characters involved?
        * the speaker is the poet. He says that we are a disease of the world, and that we will destroy the earth. no other characters

          What happens in the poem? Consider the plot or basic design of the action. How are the dramatized conflicts or themes introduced, sustained, resolved, etc.?
        * man v. nature. He is concerned that man will overbear than what is needed.
they are not resolved.

          When does the action occur? What is the date and/or time of day?
        * The action most likely happens at night, with the mention of the moon

          Where is the speaker? Describe the physical location of the dramatic moment.
        * He is on a coast near the atlantic ocean, looking out over the roaring waves, with the moon casting wicked shadows on the water

          Why does the speaker feel compelled to speak at this moment? What is his/her motivation?

He most likely sees the damage that humans have caused, and how we cannot heal it.